Tuesday, August 1, 2017

How to Use Essential Oils for Acne

Appeared first from How to Use Essential Oils for Acne in OrganicDailyPost.com

Acne- the occurrence of inflamed or infected sebaceous glands in the skin; in particular, a condition characterized by red pimples on the face, prevalent chiefly among teenagers

FOR MANY, acne first appears during the teen-age years and usually (but not always) goes away by young adulthood. For others, it is a continuing condition. Young or old, acne is no respecter of persons; under the right conditions nearly anyone can be affected. With over three (3) million reported cases per year, it is little wonder there are so many acne-fighting products out there vying for your dollars.

Given that we live in an evermore health-conscious society, the Organic Daily Post wants to offer our readers some natural alternatives to those chemical-based prescriptions and over-the-counter (OTC) acne medications.

In search of a more holistic approach to acne treatment, people are reporting impressive results using more natural, homemade remedies.​

Hello Essential Oils!

Essential Oils (EO) are growing in popularity with their seemingly unlimited uses and more being discovered every week. This article will show you how many people treat acne and dry skin with EO. You’ll also discover that you don't need to resort to harsh chemicals to have a clearer complexion and softer, smoother skin.
What you will need to follow this Tutorial:

Essential Oils that you love.

When it comes to combating acne and other epidermal issues, there are countless essential oils that can be used. The following are some EO options (but by know means all) and what they can best be used for. Click on any heading to see our recommended source for these oils.

​Important Note: Whichever Essential Oils you choose, always buy the best oils you can afford to buy, as a high quality product is imperative for success and lends itself to a more enjoyable overall experience.

Tea Tree Oil

TEA TREE OIL IS GREAT for acne because it contains natural germ-fighting properties. Additionally, it is an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anti-fungal agent that can reduce the swelling of pimples and remove the bacteria causing the initial breakouts.

PRO TIP: If the Tea Tree oil is a little strong for you, simply mix it with jojoba (ho-ho-buh) oil to help dilute it a bit.​

Important Note: Whatever you choose for an oil, make sure that the oils you purchase are high quality. Remember, you're breathing this oil into your lungs so essential oil quality is a terrible place to cut corners.

Lavender Oil

LAVENDER OIL IS A FAVORITE essential oil to many people for many reasons. Not only does it have a clean and sweet fragrance, it's also beneficial to your skin. Moreover, it is analgesic, antibacterial and antiseptic. It may also help reduce the pain often associated with more severe cases of acne. Lavender oil is a beneficial astringent for nearly anyone with oily skin.

Pro Tip: Lavender can dry-out the skin so it's a good idea to put in a few drops of your regular moisturizer (like coconut oil) and use them together if you want drier (but not too dry) skin. Experiment.
Frankincense Oil

FRANKINCENSE HAS WONDERFUL anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that may help heal acne. Interestingly, Frankincense is more often preferred by men due to its woodsy, rather than floral, scent.

Pro Tip: Frankincense essential oil works well in combination with other essential oils, even boosting their healing properties. Mix & match.

Oregano Oil

OREGANO OIL IS ANOTHER essential oil you may want to blend with other essential or carrier oils because Oregano can cause skin irritation when used in large doses by itself. You can also add a drop or two to your daily moisturizer to reap the benefits of Oregano oil while reducing the risk of irritation.
Rosemary Oil

ROSEMARY ESSENTIAL OIL IS GOOD for oily or combination skin. It reduces the natural oils the skin produces as well as the swelling and puffiness that can accompany breakouts. Rosemaryimproves bloodstream circulation and is a natural astringent.

Pro Tip: Rosemary oil will be less harsh than the chemical astringents found in retail stores.
Geranium Oil

GERANIUM OIL CONTAINS NATURAL and effective antioxidants as well as antibacterial compounds.

Pro Tip: You can make a night gel by mixing Geranium oil with aloe vera and applying it at bedtime.
Chamomile Oil

CHAMOMILE (cam-o-meal) OIL IS REPORTED to be helpful for adults, especially when there is acne scarring. CO will help calm new redness and acne flare-ups as well.

Clary Sage Oil

WHEN ACNE IS BROUGHT ON BY hormonal imbalances, clary sage can be very helpful in helping the body rebalance those hormones. Calming Clary sage oil has shown to be effective in relieving anxiety and reducing stress.
Eucalyptus Oil

EUCALYPTUS OILO HELPS REMOVE excess oils and dirt thereby reducing unsightly blackheads and whiteheads.
Lemon Oil

LEMON OIL HELPS CLEAR UP current acne and acts quickly to restore your skin’s natural balance.

Pro Tip: If you apply lemon oil, be careful not to be in the sun too much because that can cause the skin to discolor.
Myrrh Oil

MYRRH OIL CAN TREAT RASHES and help acne from recurring. It can also eliminate warts and the bacteria that cause acne.
Patchouli Oil

PATCHOLI (patch-oo-lee) OIL HELPS TREAT scarring, rashes and acne.
Coconut Oil

COCONUT OIL IS REALLY GOOD for you (inside and out) and can be used in combination with these oils and in the recipes found below.
Jojoba Oil

JOJOBA (ho-ho-buh) OIL IS ALSO USED to dilute essential oils as evidenced in many of the recipes below. .As you can see, there are many choices available when it comes to which essential oils to use for acne and it really depends on your specific situation and fragrance choice. Further research will guide you toward the best EO for your skin condition.

Pro Tip: It is important to learn the underlying causes of your acne to determine the best treatment.
5 Steps to Preparing Essential Oils on Your Face

Dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil, such as jojoba. There are different recommended dilutions depending on your specific circumstances. For use on children over 6 years old, pregnant women or the elderly, a 1% solution is recommended to begin with.


For most adults it's safe to use a 2% solution, which is two (2) drops of essential oil per one (1) teaspoon of carrier oil.

IF YOU ARE UNCERTAIN, use the newly diluted solution to perform a patch test on a small area of skin first.

​Then follow these four (4) steps

Place a band-aid over the treated section of skin
Wait a day to see if the area begins to itch or swell
If there are no issues, feel free to use that essential oil
For future concerns, repeat with any of the oils you're considering using
EO Recipes

Another thing to consider when looking at essential oils for acne is using a combination of oils as shown in the following recipes. This will help mix the ideal amounts and make them the most efficacious.
Acne Moisturizer

To make an acne moisturizer, follow these steps:

Blend together three (3) tablespoons of jojoba oil, five (5) drops of tea tree oil, five (5) drops of oregano oil, five (5) drops of chamomile and five (5) drops of rosemary essential oil.

Store in a dark bottle
Apply lightly to the affected area as needed
Blemish Stick

Make a blemish stick as easy as 1 2 3:

Find an empty lip balm tube or small pot
Blend two (2) tablespoons of melted coconut oil, four (4) drops of frankincense essential oil, and six (6) drops of tea tree essential oil with four (4) drops of lavender essential oil and put into a container of your choice
Use at night on blemishes that are inflamed
Oil Fighting Face Wash

To make an oil-fighting face wash, follow these simple steps:

Blend two (2) tablespoons of jojoba oil with five (5) to ten (10) drops of geranium essential oil then add five (5) to ten (10 ) drops of frankincense essential oil to one (1) tablespoon of rosehip oil
Pour and store in a dark glass bottle
Cleanse the skin with witch hazel and a cotton ball
Massage one teaspoon of this oil-fighting face wash into the skin
Rinse your face with warm water and gently pat dry with a clean towel

To make an essential oil acne treatment blend to use in the additional recipe below: Mix twenty (20) drops of lavender essential oil, thirty (30) drops of tea tree essential oil and thirty (30) drops of lemon essential oil into a dark bottle.
2 Step Castile Facial Cleanser

To make a Castile (cas-steel) facial cleanser, follow these two (2) easy steps:

Mix fifty (50) drops of the essential oil acne treatment blend with two (2) ounces of jojoba oil, two (2) ounces of natural aloe vera gel and eight (8) ounces of liquid Castile soap
Put the mixture into a pump bottle to use as a facial cleanser

We hope you’ve enjoyed this tutorial featuring the different ways you can use Essential Oils to effectively treat Acne. With all the chemical choices out there, it is reassuring to know you have some all-natural options you can make at home that actually work.

Please comment on this article and feel free to share. Thanks for reading!​

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